Case Studies

Exam Pass Rates Soar Using LearnKey Training
Ransford Mensah, Principal Consultant at Certified Learning Solutions shares his experience with implementing LearnKey's OnlineExpert video based training courses to a group of 148 MTA exam candidates in the summer of 2012. It reports the resounding success the exam candidates had in jumping from an overall 20% previous pass rate to an average 90% pass rate for the MTA certification exams after using LearnKey training.
LearnKey Training Instrumental to Success
In the following statement Teacher Margaret Williams shares her experience implementing LearnKey training in her classroom at Barbara Jordan Career High School in fall 2010. This statement expresses the success she encountered while guiding her students to completing industry certifications, 40 in Microsoft Word 2007 and 17 in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007.
LearnKey Training Helps Corpus Christi Teachers Master Intricacies of Technology
What do you do when a 10 year-old student knows more about technology than you do? For a generation that has grown up immersed in video games, cell phones, iPods and the Internet, it's no surprise that today's kids are so technologically adept. But for the generations of educators who interact with those students daily, it can be a daunting task keeping pace in this information age.
Boyd Gaming Wins Big with LearnKey's On-Demand Training
The world's greatest organizations earn their lofty status in part because they have the world's greatest employees. By investing in their workers through professional training and enrichment, these companies create a well-prepared and loyal workforce.
Making those investments usually comes at a high cost, but as Boyd Gaming discovered, the right training solution doesn't cost an entire stack of chips.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City Finds E-Learning Solution with LearnKey
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City (BCBSKC) has 1,050 employees. It is the area's largest health benefits provider, serving more than 880,000 members in 32 counties in greater Kansas City, northwest Missouri, and Johnson and Wyandotte counties in Kansas.
LearnKey Streamlines On-Demand, E-Learning Training Programs
Confucius is credited with saying, "I hear and I know; I see and I remember; I do and I understand." That statement summarizes the age-old challenge facing HR professionals who are tasked with employee training for job skills and personal development: How does one best assimilate and bring up to speed new employees and also provide a path for those who wish to take their performance and abilities to the next level?
Learning Technology with Technology - Fulton County School District
Information Technology is a subject that evolves more rapidly than any other field of study in our schools today. If teachers and students are not brought up-to-date on new developments each year, their skills and knowledge base quickly become outdated.
Technology Training That Utilizes Technology - Gooding High School
Gooding High School is an ambitious school located in the heart of south central Idaho. With an enrollment of 239 in a community of over 3,300, the school pushes its students to work for the best possible future they can attain through advanced learning programs, including one focusing on technology.
Every high school student in Nevada must pass a computer literacy class in order to graduate. It's the law. The Washoe County School District located in and around Reno, Nevada, wanted to not only meet legal state graduation requirements, but significantly upgrade the quality of computer instruction for its students. Additionally, the district was anxious to provide its teachers with a state-of-the-art learning system to leverage their teaching time and expertise.